Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Renaissance Kingdoms: Blacksmith guide

Do you play Renaissance Kingdoms and you have always imagined how it is to be a Blacksmith? Here we go:

General remarks

• The trade of blacksmith is a job for level 2 players.

• The blacksmith can make various tools out of iron.

• A blacksmith needs to buy bushels of wood and iron ore at the market.

• Before you make a decision, ask your mayor if there aren’t to much blacksmiths already in the town to avoid overproduction.

The trade of blacksmith

1) It is necessary to buy bushels of wood and iron ore at the market.

2) Then the blacksmith has to transfer those bushels of wood and the iron to his property inventory.

3) The blacksmith can produce knives, buckets, axes and steel ounces from the wood and iron ore.

A blacksmith can produce in one working day (starting from the provided resources):

• Three knives: 1 bushel of wood + 1 iron ore.

• Three buckets: 3 unhooped buckets (bought at the market and placed in the property inventory) + 1 wood bushel + 1 iron ore.

• One ounce of steel : 2 bushels of wood + 1 iron ore.

• One non-forged blade: 1 bushel of wood + 1 ounce of steel.

• One unsharpened blade : 1 bushel of wood + 1 non-forged blade

• One blunted axe : 1 unsharpened blade + 1 shaft (bought at the market and placed in the property inventory)

• One sharpened axe: 1 unsharpened axe

• One sword blade: 1 non-forged blade + 1 bushel of wood

• One blunt sword: 1 sword blade + 1 steel ounce

• One sword: 1 blunt sword

• One plowshare: 1 iron ore + 1 bushel of wood (not coded)

• One hoe: 1 plowshare + 3 bushels of wood (not coded)

All these objects need one day of work.

Selling price and income.

• Average price for a bushel of wood: 4 pounds

• Average price for a shaft: 10 pounds • Average price for iron ore: 20 pounds

• Average price for an unhooped bucket: 31 pounds

• Average wage for a level 2: 26 pounds

d: working day w: bushel of wood. i: iron ore s: ounce of steel

• a knife: 1d + 1w + 1i = 24/3 + 4/3 + 20/3 = 16 pounds

• a bucket: 1d + 3 unhooped buckets + 1w + 1i = 26/3 + 93/3 + 4/3 + 20/3 = 47.6 pounds

• ounce of steel: 1d + 1i + 2w = 26 + 20 + 8 = 54 pounds

• non-forged blade: 1d + 1s + 1w = 26 + 54 + 4 = 84 pounds

• unsharpened blade : 2d + 1s + 2w = 52 + 54 + 8 = 114 pounds • blunted axe : 3d + 1s + 2w + 1 shaft = 78 + 54 + 8 + 10 = 150 pounds

• sharpened axe : 4d + 1s + 2w + 1 shaft = 104 + 54 + 8 + 10 = 176 pounds

• sword blade: 2d + 1s + 2w = 52 + 54 + 8 = 114 pounds

• blunt sword: 3d + 2s + 2w = 78 + 108 + 8 = 194 pounds

• sword: 4d + 2s + 2w = 104 + 108 + 8 = 220 pounds

• plowshare: 1i + 1w +1d = 20 + 4 + 26 = 50 pounds (not coded)

• hoe: 1 plowshare + 3w +1d = 50 + 12 + 26 = 88 pounds (not coded)


• The blacksmith can also work for the town hall by buying the blunted axes, sharpening them and then selling the axes back to the town hall.

• The shafts are produced by the carpenters who will sell them at the market

• The unhooped buckets are produced by the carpenters who will sell them at the market

The Sword

Day 1 : Make 1 steel ounce from 1 iron and 2 wood

Day 2 : Make 1 unforged axe blade from 1 steel ounce and 1 wood

Day 3 : Make 1 lame d'épée (sword blade) from 1 unforged axe blade and 1 wood

Day 4 : Make 1 steel ounce from 1 iron and 2 wood

Day 5 : Make one épée non aiguisée (blunt sword) from 1 lame d'épée and from 1 steel ounce

Day 6 : Make 1 épée (sword) from 1 épée non aiguisée

Credits: Baiboe.