Monday, January 25, 2010

Renaissance Kingdoms: weaver guide

Another guide regarding an RK level 2 profession, the credits goes to Manerta. Have fun ;)

Table of Contents

1) Forums & Contact Person's
2) Fair days wages
3) Weavers Goods and Prices
4) Wool and Hide Prices
5) The Renaissance Kingdom Wardrobes

Weavers Goods & Selling Range.

1) Forums & Contact Person's.

Please see the Sheep and Weavers Guild (S.O.W) for more information and actual selling prices (or) Check your market, ask your Mayor or Mentor.

S.O.W Forum Guild - In game forum tab => 2nd forum link => Scroll almost to the bottom => KoE/KoS/KoI Guilds and Corporations => S.O.W Guild
(You can read but not post - contact the forum mod, found under the forum name for permission to join).

Mayor: In Game => Town Hall => Click on Mayor => Compose Mail.

2) Fair days wages

A 20.00-25.00p daily wage is considered a reasonable profit on most items. Usually a Level 2 workshop wage is based on being slightly more than Town Hall job offers for 19 stat labour.


Pricing of the items usually undergoes the following formula: Cost of raw materials * quantity used + daily wage = price

for example: assuming 1 ball of wool costs 12 pounds, and your daily wage = 24 pounds, 1 shirt = 8 balls of wool * 12 + 24 = 120 pounds

Prices for wool and hides and the standard salary for level 2 professions can vary widely from town to town and over time. Ask other weavers, your mayor or town mentor what is usual.
12-12.50 pounds for balls of wool, 15-17 pounds for hides and a salary of 20-24 pounds (allows to buy stat food and save up to reach lvl 3) are most usual.

3) General Information

-"Weaver" is a profession you can take when reaching level 2.
-The weaving workshop is located in the player's home.
-The weaver's trade consists of making clothes for men and women.
-Materials used are wool and hides (from sheep).
-Weavers usually open a shop (topic) on the town forum, where they list the clothes they make (some weavers specialize in certain types) and their prices. They can take orders in that thread or via IG mail.
-Before becoming a weaver, ask your mayor if there aren't enough weavers around, so as to avoid overproduction.
-Clothes do not wear out. However, many higher level players tend to move to colonies, making room for new players, so the weaver typically still has work.
-New clothes get coded in the game once in a while.
-The colors of garments are chosen by the buyer when they click on 'use' and wear them. It cannot be changed after that (or sold).

4) Weavers Goods and Prices

The Trade:

1) Wool and hides can be bought on the market or produced by yourself if you have a sheep field (typically a good thing).
2) The wool and hides need to be placed in the property's inventory in order to be used for making clothes.
3) You need one (1) working day to make each item of clothing (except for shoes which can be made in sets of 2 pairs)


For Both Men & Women.

shirt Requirements: 8 balls of wool, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 85.00p - 150.95p

trousers Requirements: 4 balls of wool, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 50.00p - 95.95p

shoes Requirements: 2 hides, 1 day of work = 2 pairs of shoes. or: 1 pair of shoes: 1 hide, 1 day of work. Ingame possible selling prices: 20.00p - 40.95p

As alternative to shoes, boots can be used:

boots Requirements:4 hides, 1 day of work In game possible selling prices: 65.00p - 120.95p poulaines pointed shoes

1 pair of poulaines: 3 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 50.00p - 100.95p

Men Clothing

hose long socks Requirements:2 balls of wool, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 35.00p - 70.95p

belt Requirements: 1 hide, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 30.00p - 50.95p

hat Requirements: 2 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 40.00p - 75.95p

collar scarf Requirements:4 balls of wool, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 50.00p - 95.95p

cloak Requirements:4 balls of wool + 7 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 130.00p - 230.95p

mantle Requirements: 15 balls of wool + 4 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 200.00p-350.95p

headscarf bandana Requirements: 2 balls of wool, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 35.00p - 70.95p

toque soft hat Requirements:2 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 40.00p - 80.95p

waistcoat gilet, vest, jacket Requirements:7 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 100.00p - 170.95p apron 'overalls',

tabard Requirements: 6 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 85.00p - 150.95p

rope belt Requirements:1 balls of wool + 1 hide, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 40.00p - 75.95p

tunic robe Requirements:12 balls of wool + 5 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 200.00p - 350.95p

Women's Clothing

dress houppelande Requirements:18 balls of wool + 1 hide, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 200.00p - 350.95p

headdress Requirements:2 balls of wool + 2 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 60.00p - 110.95p

corset bustier Requirements:7 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 100.00p - 170.95p

skirt Requirements:4 balls of wool + 4 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 100.00p - 170.95p


shield Requirements:3 hides, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 20.00p - 80.95p


Tapestry - can only be made regionally - Lancaster Requirements: 6 balls of wool, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 70.00p - 200.00p


WARNING: Only the Harbour Master can use these and so there will not really be a competitive market to sell them on your own markets, best to contact and make private arrangements with HM's to agree on a price and also if they need them. - AND you should get the county to supply the goods and just negotiate a fair days wages. Your going to be stuck with a sail otherwise that has cost you more in time and materials than you need to. Particularly trying to gather 80 balls of wool for the large sail.

Small Sail Requirements: 14 balls of wool, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 140-400.95p

Main Sail Requirements: 80 balls of wool, 1 day of work Ingame possible selling prices: 800-2000p

5) Wool and Hide Prices.
Ingame possible selling price for wool: 5.00p - 15.95p Ingame possible selling price for hides: 15.00p - 35.95p