General remarks
• The trade of butcher is a job for level 2 players.
• The butcher cuts up raw carcasses into edible slices of meat.
• Meat gives 2 hunger points and 2 strength points. • Before you make a decision, ask your mayor if there aren’t to much butchers already in the town to avoid overproduction.
The trade of butcher.
1) It's necessary to buy half-hundred weights of pigs or hundred weights of cows from the market and place them in your property inventory.
2) The butcher cuts up the carcasses into meat pieces ready to be consumed or sold.
-The butcher can cut 5 HHW of cow into 10 pieces of meat and 10 HHW of pigs into 10 pieces of meat a day, thus generate 10 meat pieces a day.
- The butcher can NOT mix the meats to cut EX: 3 HHW of cows + 2 HHW of pigs does not equal the required 5 HHW of cows, or the required 10 HHW of pigs.
Prices & profits.
• The average prices of HW of cow and HHW of pig are 32 pounds and 15.00 pounds.
• Though free to choose the price, the price of the meat must respect a certain degree of honesty so consumer and producer can both benefit. Aim your prices so you get a day wage of 26 pounds, at a price of 15p per HHW, this would mean a piece of meat can be sold at 17.6p