Monday, March 15, 2010

Human-age: live in stone age and beyond

Could you hunt a T-Rex?Do you want to know how history can be fun? Do you want to learn how to hunt the biggest animals the world has ever seen? Human age is a simulation game / free virtual management game / rpg where you adopt a human being and help him or her through various ages of mankind, from prehistory to the 21st century, from learning how to use a club to your driver's license. Luckily, with the help of your wolf, family and friends, your life is much more than just work, it's a real game. But before you can become the king of France in medieval times or a pharaoh, you will be a caveman or woman and hunt dinosaurs.
This game is in constant working, p-resenting new features regularly: you are going to enjoy it!
Site address:
Free? Totally free, no ads. You may buy credits to make the evolution of your character quicker... and destroy your fun.
Time spent playing: a log-in of 10 minutes everyday should be enough.