Saturday, December 13, 2008

Correspondence-Chess in your Brownser

Another great way to pass your time. As Tarrasch once said: "Chess, like love, like music, has the power of making man happy." And this is exactly the meaning of our life in earth to seek happiness. Yes, chess is a must.

And there is some wonderful sites out there to play chess. One of the best totally free correspondence chess sites is the "lss" (Lechenicher SchachServer). It dedicates itself to browser-based correspondence chess. Each player has some days to each move. The intention is to give you enough time to think, try all moves possibles, consult some books, sites, etc.. Only computer programs is prohibited in this modality, although some people insist in doing that. As I have a low rating, I don't think I find one of this guys any day :)

There is a limit of games that each one can play, as a free and clean (no ads) site. You can play 5 at the begginning, as you complete some games it increases to 30-50 simultaneous games.

  • Site address: or

  • Free: Sure! :D

  • Time spent playing: It depends where the game is. But with a plenty number of days available, you can choose the best time of the day to open your chessboard and your books in front of the computer and then mate your adversary ;)