I am always returning to this game. I play one age, stay 2 or 3 out, then I return. Some ages are incredible, if you are at the right team. Yes: there is a world with six nations, each one fighting each other. The one that conquers more marketplaces or scrolls wins. You recruit an army in your provinces and upgrade them to get more gold. Simple? Yes, and simple games like this one can be very exciting, due to team cooperation.
It appears it works better in old computers, I played one day with the newest version of firefox and I found the map too different. The map was clearly done for IE 6.0, but the difference isn't big.
- Site address: http://www.warofnations.com/
- Free? Yes, and if there is one ad somewhere, I have never saw it. It is a totally free and clean site.
- Time spent playing: 10 Minutes each 6 hours will make you the best player, if nobody stronger crosses you :) It is still playable with 2 log-ins per day.