Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Renaissance Kingdoms: Carpenter guide

The first of a series of RK level 2 guides I am going to post in my blog. Most of them are lost around RK forums, here you can find them easily. NOw, ladies and gentlemen, the Carpenter Guide:

General remarks

• The trade of carpenter is a job for level 2 players.
• The carpenter can make small ladders, large ladders, oars, hulls, shafts, boats, hoes (not implemented yet), unhooped buckets, and blunted axes.
• A carpenter uses wood bushels.
• Before you make a decision, ask your mayor if there aren't to much carpenters already in the town to avoid overproduction.

The trade of carpenter.

1) It's necessary to buy wood bushels from the market.

2) The wood bushels need to be placed in the property inventory

3) You can make the following products in your workshop:

- small ladders (1 wood bushel)
- large ladders (2 small ladders)
- oars (1 wood bushel)
- hulls (3 wood bushel)
- 3 shafts (1 wood bushel)
- boat (You can make one boat from 1 hull and from 2 oars)
- hoes (not implemented yet)
- (You can make one hoe from 1 plowshare and from 3 wood bushels)
- unhooped buckets (1 wood bushel)
- blunted axes (You can make one blunted axe from 1 axe blade and from 1 shaft)

You need to work one day for each item

Prices & profits.

• The average price for wood bushels is £4.

• Although free to choose, the prices must respect a certain degree of honesty so consumer and producer can both benefit. SOme cities also have a price cap law.

• Approximate price calculations for carpentry items are based upon £4 for wood bushels and £26 for one working day.

- small ladders - £4 + £26 = £30

- large ladders - £30 + £30 + £26 =£86
- oars - £4 + £26 = £30
- hulls - £12 + £26 = £38
- 3 shafts - £4 + £26 = £30/3 = £10
- boat - £38 + £30 + £30 + £26 = £124
- hoes (not implemented yet) - (You can make one hoe from 1 plowshare and from 3 wood bushels)
- unhooped buckets - £4 + £26 = £30
- blunted axes (You can make one blunted axe from 1 axe blade and from 1 shaft)

(Guide made by the player Baiboe)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Neopets: flash games!

Don't get frightened by the childish look of Neopets. Yes, this site has a good part of its pages dedicated to children, with the option of adopting a virtual pet and creating it, putting clothes on it, feeding it, playing with it (or them, since you can have more than one). It can be fun if you miss the good old times, and as a site from nickelodeon, neopets is certainly the best choice.

However, the biggest and the best section of this site is its flash games room. They have plenty of flash games, one better than another, ranging from action, adventure, sports, old arcade ones... there is even an stock market simulator. I used to spend hours playing the games of this site, in my opinion it is one of the great ways of cleaning the head after a hard day studying/working.

*Free? Yes, tottally. If you are interested in the "pet creation" part of the site, you may buy things to make your pet more beautiful. The flash games section is tottally free though. You may find some ads, but all of them are related to neopets events.

*Time spent playing: To be able to maintain your pet, a log-in of 5 minutes every 3 days is obligatory.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


This one is a great Hatrick tool. I always had it in favorites when I played Hattrick. I am going to show you some things it does and I am sure you won't do nothing but agree with me.

This is one of the free tools in the site: You can see how the combined habilities of your players affct their penalty hability. It is great when you are competing with your team in the national cup of our country.

Another browser-based tool allows you to compare the habilities of your players, not only to know who really is good at something, but what are exactly the stats of the players you are training, and what player of yours is the most suitable to be your coach:

And not only this: how to increase your stadium to maximize your profits, what is the best number os spokesperson your team should have, etc..

Site address: http://www.databased.at/hattrick/x-ray/index.asp?starter=spokes

Free? Half of its features, the most sophisticated ones are paid though. Limited access too, so, use it, copy and paste the information you need through the season in your computer ;) However after nearly three months, your account is reset, and you can use it all again :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hattrick: talking about formations

When I played Hattrick I used mainly the 3-5-2 formation. Yes, if you want to win in Hattrick you should go for it. Invest most of the money you earn from your stadium with players that have good habilities in "inner mildfield". You can compensate your lack in investment in other areas by buying inner mildfields with good secondary habilities in "scoring" and defense.

One of the key factors to win a game in HT in to dominate the field, to see your players having the domain of the ball in the entire game (and the 3-5-2 is perfect for it). However, to face a team using the 3-5-2 I sometimes ordered the 3-4-3, with the intention of increasing my chances of a sucessful goal. Yes the midfield domain increased the score chances for the adersary team, but you always have some if your disadvantage isn't that big.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Utopia: the oldest free browser game

Simple formula: a kingdom, five races, an army. Technology and spells help you in war. So... why this game is different from many others?
The community! Yes, other players are really nice, and you join the game already in a random empire (kind of alliance), what forces everybody, since the begginning, to work together to win. And you are really going to love to win with them :)
*Free? Yes, but too many ads. You ay pay to do not see them any more though.
*Time spent playing: three log-ins of 15 minutes everyday are enough, you may spend more if you want though - there will be always a reason for it ;)
*Site adress: utopia.swirve.com

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Books in Renaissance Kingdoms

Books in RK are used to get knowledge. They may be difficult to find though. Here is a complete guide shoing the location of all Books. Have fun :)

Availability of Books: (by book)

Metaphysics A - Aristotle - Greek

- Wiltshire
- Comté d'Artois
- Comté de Flandres
- Duché de Savoie
- Duché de Champagne
- Franche-Comté
- Markgrafschaft von Baden

Metaphysics E - Aristotle - Greek

- Duché de Bourgogne-
-Duché du Lyonnais

Metaphysics (Gamma) - Aristotle - Greek

- Duché d'Alençon
- Duché d'Anjou
- Duché du Berry
- Duché de Bretagne
- Duché de Touraine

Metaphysics Z - Aristotle - Greek

- Comté de Provence
- Duché du Bourbonnais

Poetics - Aristotle - Greek

- Comté d'Artois
- Comté du Languedoc
- Comté du Maine
- Comté du Périgord
- Comté du Poitou
- Comté de Provence
- Duché du Berry
- Duché du Bourbonnais-Auvergne
- Duché de Bourgogne
- Duché d'Orléans
- Duché de Savoie
- Franche-Comté

Physics - Aristotle - Greek

- Comté de Provence
- Duché du Bourbonnais-Auvergne
- Duché du Lyonnais
- Franche-Comté

Parmenidas - Plato - Greek

- Comté d'Artois
- Comté de Flandres
- Comté du Limousin
- Comté du Poitou
- Duché d'Anjou
- Duché du Berry
- Duché de Bretagne
- Duché de Champagne
- Duché de Normandie
- Duché de Touraine

The Symposium - Plato - Greek

- Cornwall
- Wiltshire
- Comté du Limousin
- Duché d'Anjou
- Duché de Bretagne
- Duché de Normandie

Timaeus - Plato - Greek

- Cornwall
- Sussex
- Duché d'Anjou
- Duché du Berry
- Duché de Bourgogne
- Duché du Lyonnais
- Franche-Comté
- Markgrafschaft von Baden

The Republic - Plato - Greek

- Cornwall
- Sussex
- Wiltshire
- Comté du Limousin
- Comté du Poitou
- Duché du Bourbonnais
- Markgrafschaft von Baden

De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods) - Cicero - Latin

- Duché d'Alençon
- Duché du Bourbonnais
- Duché de Bretagne
- Duché de Touraine
- Comté du Languedoc
- Comté du Limousin
- Comté de Provence

De Providentia (On Providence) - Seneca - Latin

- Wiltshire
- Comté d'Artois
- Comté du Poitou
- Duché du Berry
- Duché d'Orléans
- Franche-Comté

The Nicomachean Ethics : I - The Study of the Good - Aristotle - Greek

- Cumberland
- Stafford
- Sussex
- Am Mumhain
- Burggrafschaft von Nürnberg
- Comté d'Artois
- Comté de Flandres
- Comté du Maine
- Comté de Toulouse
- Comté de Provence
- Condado de Barcelona
- Condado do Porto
- Confédération Helvétique
- Duché de Bourgogne
- Duché du Bourbonnais
- Duché de Gascogne
- Duché de Guyenne
- Duché de Lorraine
- Duché de Touraine
- Franche-Comté
- Herzogtum von Bayern
- Ksiestwo Mazowieckie
- Markgrafschaft von Baden
- Repubblica di Genova
- Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft

The Nicomachean Ethics : II - Virtue - Aristotle - Greek

- County of Ayr
- County Palatine of Chester
- Wiltshire
- Comté de Béarn
- Comté du Limousin
- Comté de Provence
- Comté du Périgord
- Comté de Rouergue
- Condado do Porto
- Confédération Helvétique
- Duché d'Alençon
- Duché de Bretagne
- Duché du Berry
- Duché de Champagne
- Duché de Savoie
- Duché de Touraine
- Erzherzogtum von Österreich
- Fürstentum von Mainz
- Grafschaft von Augsburg
- Kraljevina Hrvatska
- Markgrafschaft von Baden
- Provincia di Terre di Lavoro
- Reino de Aragon
- Reino de Castilla
- Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
- Serbie (Краљевина Србија)

The Nicomachean Ethics : III - Courage and Temperance - Aristotle - Greek

- Cornwall
- County of Ayr
- Stafford
- Sussex
- Worcester
- Burggrafschaft von Nürnberg
- Comté de Béarn
- Comté du Languedoc
- Comté de Toulouse
- Condado de Coimbra
- Ducato di Milano
- Ducato di Modena
- Duché d'Alençon
- Duché d'Anjou
- Duché de Bretagne
- Duché de Normandie
- Duché de Savoie
- Erzherzogtum von Österreich
- Grafschaft von Württemberg
- Herzogtum Steiermark
- Ksiestwo Krakowskie
- Provincia di Terre di Lavoro
- Reino de Aragon

The Nicomachean Ethics : IV - Other Virtues - Aristotle - Greek

- Somerset
- Wiltshire
- Am Mumhain
- Comté du Languedoc
- Comté du Limousin
- Comté du Périgord
- Condado de Lisboa
- Condado do Porto
- County Palatine Of Lancaster
- Ducato di Milano
- Duché d'Anjou
- Duché de Gascogne
- Duché du Lyonnais Dauphiné
- Duché de Normandie
- Duché du Bourbonnais
- Duché de Bourgogne
- Fürstentum von Mainz
- Grafschaft von Augsburg
- Ksiestwo Krakowskie
- Ksiestwo Mazowieckie
- Kraljevina Hrvatska
- Reino de Aragon
- Serbie (Краљевина Србија)

The Nicomachean Ethics : V -Justice - Aristotle - Greek

- Cornwall
- County of Glasgow
- Cumberland
- Worcester
- Comté d'Armagnac et de Comminges
- Comté d'Artois
- Comté de Flandres
- Comté du Maine
- Comté du Poitou
- Comté de Rouergue
- Condado de Barcelona
- Condado de Coimbra
- Condado de Lisboa
- Ducato di Modena
- Duché d'Orléans
- Duché du Berry
- Duché de Guyenne
- Duché du Lyonnais Dauphiné
- Duché de Savoie
- Franche-Comté
- Graafschap Holland
- Herzogtum von Bayern
- Herzogtum Steiermark
- Ksiestwo Wielkopolskie
- Repubblica di Genova

The Nicomachean Ethics : VIII - Friendship - Aristotle - Greek

- Somerset
- Comté d'Armagnac et de Comminges
- Comté de Flandres
- Comté du Poitou
- County of Glasgow
- County Palatine of Chester
- County Palatine Of Lancaster
- Duché du Bourbonnais
- Duché de Champagne
- Duché de Lorraine
- Duché d'Orléans
- Graafschap Holland
- Grafschaft von Württemberg
- Ksiestwo Wielkopolskie
- Reino de Castilla

The Nicomachean Ethics : X - True Happiness - Aristotle - Greek

- Comté de Flandres
- Comté de Provence
- Comté du Languedoc
- Duché d'Alençon
- Duché d'Anjou
- Duché de Bretagne
- Duché de Champagne
- Duché de Normandie
- Duché de Savoie
- Duché de Touraine

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Imperium Nova: feudalism in space

Great browser-based game: you are a dinastic house, in space, and specialize yourself in some services: mercantile, technology, military, among more than ten. In some services, like covert operations and military, specialization does not mean exclusivity: you have access to some additional things.

The game has everything: economy, politics, good RP, wars... it is a garanteed great amount of fun. It was difficult for me to find this jewel, the administrators do not advertise and do not participate in any game lists around.

Site address:

Free: Up to two spheres of activity, yes. If you want more, you will need to subscribe - and subscrition can be done only through Paypal. So far, for me, it hasn't decreased the fun - or I wouldn't have posted it here ;) . The site is tottally clean though, and has no ads.

Time spent playing/day: if you don't like wars too much, 15 minutes a day is enough. Prepare yourself to spend more time online though :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A game from gamers to gamers

Incredible! When I found this game I
thought it couldn't be real. An incredible great browser game tottally free!

In Lords of War and Money you may choose between six races: knight, barbarian, necro, demon, elf and dark elf. Each one has it different qualities, as always. You recruit your units, create your strategy, fight against the others and gain xp to go ahead in the levels.

Site adreess: www.lordswm.com

Time spend playing: an 1 vs 1 fight lasts 15 minutes, but you may play as much as you want. And there is another kinds of battles to, as 2 vs.2, 3 vs. 3, etc.

Free? Yes, and no ads. You may donate to the site and receive some tottally dispensable features though.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Renaissance Kingdoms: Church Way subjects

RK: University

The study of theology cannot be done in just any order -- there are conditions and prerequisites for certain subjects, and so it's best to follow a certain path so as to not waste your time with unproductive studies. The 14 Church Way skills are divided into two branches, Morals and Ontotheology.

Morals: Moral skills will probably be useful for confession, when it is coded. There are two basic subjects that you should master at 100% before studying the seven advanced Moral skills, also known as the seven virtues.
  • Aristotle's Moral Principles:You will possess 50% of this skill at the beginning of your studies. Study by working along or enroll in classes at the University.

  • The Roman Church: Organization and History: Discover this skill by taking a class at the University and continue your studies through classes or self-study.

***Next come the seven virtues. At the beginning of your studies, you will possess 20% mastery of two random Moral skills.
  • The Good:
    Achieve 51% in your knowledge of the Greek language
    Read "The Nicomachean Ethics : I - The Study of the Good" to achieve 0% of The Good
    Read "The Nicomachean Ethics : I - The Study of the Good" to achieve 50% of The Good

  • Virtue:
    Achieve 51% in your knowledge of the Greek language
    Read "The Nicomachean Ethics : II -The Virtue" to achieve 0% of Virtue
    Read "The Nicomachean Ethics : II -The Virtue" or "The Nicomachean Ethics : IV - Other Virtues" to achieve 25% of Virtue
    Read "The Nicomachean Ethics : II -The Virtue" or "The Nicomachean Ethics : IV - Other Virtues" to achieve Virtue at 50%

NOTE: If your University library lacks "The Nicomachean Ethics : II -The Virtue" but does have "The Nicomachean Ethics : IV - Other Virtues," you can reverse the order. What matters is that you read both books to increase your knowledge beyond 50% and up to 70%.
NOTE2: It may be possible to increase your knowledge from 0 to 50% with a reading of either book.

  • Justice:
    Achieve 51% in your knowledge of the Greek language
    Read "The Nicomachean Ethics : V - Justice" to achieve 0% of Justice
    Read "The Nicomachean Ethics : V - Justice" to achieve 50% of Justice

  • Temperance:
    Achieve 51% in your knowledge of the Greek language
    Read "The Nicomachean Ethics : III - Courage and Temperance" to achieve 0% of Temperance
    Read "The Nicomachean Ethics : III - Courage and Temperance" to achieve 50% of Temperance

  • Friendship:
    Achieve 51% in your knowledge of the Greek language
    Read "The Nicomachean Ethics : VIII - Friendship" to achieve 0% of Friendship
    Read "The Nicomachean Ethics : VIII - Friendship" to achieve 50% of Friendship

  • Pleasure and Delight:
    Enroll in a class to discover this skill.
    Study alone or take classes until you reach 50%.

  • A Seventh Thing:
    Enroll in a course to discover this skill.
    Study alone or take classes until you reach 50%.
And then:
- To pass the 50% threshold for the seven Moral skills: master (at 100%) "The Roman Church: Organization and History." Then, study alone or take classes to advance your skill to 70%.

- To pass the 70% threshold for the seven Moral skills: master (at 100%) "Aristotle's Moral Principles." Then, study alone or take classes to advance your skill to 100%.

It is also possible to discover these skills and then study alone or take courses to reach 50%. However, reading books to reach 50% is faster and less expensive, provided the books are available in your library (otherwise, you would have to travel to a different University library). While confession remains uncoded, these skills are not used as opposed to the Ontotheology skills, which are used to enhance your persuasiveness when preaching. In any case, the last two virtues do not correspond to any of the books, so it will be necessary to discover them and advance your knowledge through classes or self-study.

***Ontotheology: There are five ontotheological skills. Three of them have no prerequisites to block your mastery:

  • Logic:You will possess 50% of this skill at the beginning of your studies. To advance your knowledge, study alone or enroll in classes at the University.

  • The Sense of Being: Discover this skill by enrolling in a course at University and then advance your knowledge through classes or self-study.

  • The Beginning of the World: Discover this skill by enrolling in a course at University and then advance your knowledge through classes or self-study.

The final two skills have many prerequisites:

  • Theology: Science of the First Matters:
    Study alone or enroll in classes until you achieve 20%
    Master "Aristotle's Moral Principles" at 100%
    Master "Logic" and "The Beginning of the World" at 100%
    Study alone or enroll in classes until you achieve 70%
    Read "Metaphysics A" and then enroll in classes or study alone until you achieve 100% NOTE: The various thresholds for this skill require confirmation. It may be possible to advance beyond with the listed thresholds while meeting only some of the requirements.

  • Ontology: Science of Being:
    Master "Aristotle's Moral Principles" and "Logic" at 100%
    Study alone or enroll in classes until you achieve 20%
    Master "The Sense of Being" at 100%
    Study alone or enroll in classes until you achieve 70%
    Read "Metaphysics Γ (Gamma)" and then enroll in classes or study alone until you achieve 100%

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Renaissance Kingdoms: Languages, Books and its Abilities

The Church Way is the only way for which the study of languages is useful. Languages can be taught with less than 100% mastery (even as low at 10%), but the students' level of improvement will be higher if the teacher is more proficient. If the ability of the student is very close to that of the teacher, the gains may be very small (or even nonexistent if the student is not an IG noble).

The ability to read a book in the University library effectively is determined by your mastery of the relevant language. Personally, I recommend that you master Greek and Latin at 100% first, but others will advise that 51% is sufficient in the beginning. It takes a very long time to obtain 100% in the languages because their knowledge can be gained only in the classroom (not through self-study), and class seats are rare and expensive. Make language study your priority until you have mastered them.

When studying languages at the University, nobles may expect the following gains (divide by 2 if you're not a noble). If the difference between the level of the professor and that of the student is: * more than 50%: the student increases his skill 7 to 12 points
* between 40 and 50 points: an increase of 6 to 10 points
* between 30 and 40: 5 to 8
* between 20 and 30: 4 to 6
* between 10 and 20: 2 to 5 * less than 10: 1 to 3
* less than 0: 0

Reading a book may sometimes increase your knowledge of the language in which the book is written by a few percent if your mastery of this language is approximately 51%. Having your mastery at a much higher or lower level eliminates this possibility. Also, it's best to only read a book that enhances your belief in an idea if you have at least 200 Intelligence, thus obtaining in one reading the highest level of belief. Here are all the various stages of language skill required for the reading of books at the University library:


  • 51%:
    Reading "The Nicomachean Ethics : I - The Study of the Good" gives "The Good" at 0%
    Reading "The Nicomachean Ethics : II -The Virtue" gives "The Virtue" at 0%
    Reading "The Nicomachean Ethics : III - Courage and Temperance" gives "Temperance" at 0%
    Reading "The Nicomachean Ethics : V - Justice" gives "Justice" at 0%
    Reading "The Nicomachean Ethics : VIII - Friendship" gives "Friendship" at 0%
    Reading "The Nicomachean Ethics : X - True Happiness" gives "The wise man seeks to find happiness through meditation" at (Int/2)%
    Reading "Timaeus" gives "Holy Being is Almighty" at (Int/2)%

  • 60%:
    Reading "The Symposium" gives "Sensible Beauty is an Image of Eternal Beauty that any Soul has already contemplated once" at (Int/2)%
    Reading "Parmenidas" gives "Things are Copies of the Ideas" at (Int/2)%

  • 65%:
    Reading "Metaphysics Α" gives "Metaphysics is the study of first principles " at (Int/2)%
    Reading "The Republic gives "The wise man must take part in the life of the city" (also requires Modern Languages at 65%) at (Int/2)%.
    Reading "Physics" gives "Holy Being is Almighty" at (Int/2) %. Attention, it is also necessary to master (at 100%) "Logic"
    Reading "Physics" gives "The essence of things is in the things themselves which gives them shape" at (Int/2) %. Attention, it is also necessary to master (at 100%) Logic".

  • 85%:
    Reading "Metaphysics Z" gives "Metaphysics is the science of what is, as it is: being as being" at (Int/2) %
    Reading "Metaphysics Γ (Gamma)" gives "Metaphysics is the science of what is, as it is: being as being" at (Int/2)%

  • 89%:
    Reading "Metaphysics E" gives "The essence of the things is in the same ones, and gives them form" at (Int/2) %. Attention, it is also necessary to master (at 100%) "Sense of Being".

  • Unknown:

Reading "Poetics" gives "Beauty is the result of the harmony and rhythm of divine dimensions" at (Int/2)%.


  • 25%:
    Reading "De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods)" gives "Holy Being is Almighty" at (Int/2)%.

  • 54% (or possibly lower):
    Reading "De Providentia (On Providence)" gives "Holy Being is Almighty" at (Int/2)%.Modern Languagues:

  • 25%:
    Reading "Parmenidas" gives "Things are Copies of the Ideas" at (Int/2) %.

  • 65%:
Reading "The Republic gives "The wise man must take part in the life of the city" (also requires Greek 65%) at (Int/2)%.

NOTE: - Some of these books, including Metaphysics Γ (Gamma) and Parmenidas, are unavailable in England, Scotland and Ireland at this time. - It is possible that the percentages listed above are one percent less than the actual level of language ability required for the books listed -- this requires confirmation.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Magic: the gathering

Who never heard of the famous card game? And now you can play it online for free. The site isn't official, but Magic Lovers created a program that you can download at the forum of the site below (the link is going to appear at your left site, under downloads/programs). After it, seek someone in their irc and ... have fun!

Tottally free, no ads and perfectly safe.

Edit (2017)
You should also try the newest:


More info here:

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Alteil: an excellent card game

It is the kind of card game where you are a magician and use creatures to damage your opponents. It is nice and it is free. Well, if you want a better card set, you will have to buy it, but it is possible to live with the begginner's one. Your first deck is randomly defined by the game, and I got an incredible one there.

Site address: http://www.alteil.com/

Time spent playing: as much as you want. A game takes from 30 to 60 minutes though.

Free: No ads, begginner's deck is free.

(This game was Discontinued)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Voximperium: build your country

Think of Civilization I without the technology tree and the wonders. Voximperium is that: a primitive version of civilization that you can play in your browser. Turns can last 15 minutes or 48 hours: you choose accordingly to your life style ;)

*Site address: www.voximperium.com

*Free? Tottaly free :)

*Time spent playing: at least 15 minutes each day in a game turn of 24 hours - if you don't die as a newbie just at the begginning, of course.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Alltid: statistics for hattrick

If you play hattrick and want to know your team better, for sure you need Alltid: a totally free tool that allows you to compare your team with all the others in your same group or even with any other team in the world. Where could your team be better? How should be the best team in your group? Alltid has all the statistics you can image.

Address: http://alltid.org/

Saturday, June 6, 2009

For Syrnia's Lovers

If you loved to play Syrnia (one of the games I have already talked about here), you for sure need some sites of resources, not only to help you with the quests, but to incresase your fun, giving you full maps from the entire Syrnian world, player's scores, clan's scores and a lot more. DW-HQ is for sure the best: http://www.dw-hq.com/ .

There is another site that was created with the intent of solving some mistakes of dw regarding guides. However, one of its creators has quit the game. What was done so far is pretty good, and can be found here:

Have fun!

A manual to play the-west

This is an incredible site for the ones who liked to play the last game I commended here. It is good not only in helping one with his adventures, but with jobs (there is a calaculator that defines the best job for you based on your current skills), clothes (where to buy the clothes you need, which clothes are the best for you) and a lot more. Enjoy :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Live in the far-west

I have always dreamed with a far-west role-playing game... and I found it. At the beginning - my current state :) - you work, get money to join or start a town, and fulfill the adventures - the funniest part- proposed by the sherif, an indian or the pub owner. It is possible to duel with other characters too, but it isnt needed if you are the peaceful guy :)

Free: You can buy advantages. Tottally playable without them though.

Time needed/day: from 5 to 45 minutes, it is your choice.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Battlemaster.org down

It is the second day their server is down and so far we don't know the motives. Tom, the game administrator, has been announcing since a long time that he would start battlemaster 2.0 or at least add some graphics to it. I would bet that some new features are coming around, since a two-day stop is too much for a simple technical errors progrm. Let's see.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

RK: Level 4 - Luxury Goods

Renaissance Kingdoms

I found this list in French and translated using Google Translator. It has a relations of all Luxury Goods found so far, needed by Level 4 players to go to level 5. Enjoy :)


Touraine (check)






Swiss Confederation (Geneva)
Burgundy (Thunder-Semur)
Guyenne Périgord

*In all towns with a lake, you can find different, more expensive types of fish. This ones may help to get luxury points too ;)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Be a Magician Lord

I believe everybody know the game Magic - the gathering. It is a game that has inspired a lot of other games around the word. One of this games is The Lord. You are a magician, of one of the five colors (white, red, blue, black and green), united to a guild, comanding a kingdom and that attacks other players to be the first in the ranking. Simple and good.

One negative point though: it wasn't completely translated into english. Most of the site is in spanish.

Site address: http://www.thelord.cl/

Free: Tottally free. No costs, no ads.

Time spent playing/day : one log-in of 20 minutes each day is more than enough.

Have fun ;)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Diplomacy on-line for free

I had never played Diplomacy before finding this site. Diplomacy is similar to risk, but you number of troops is fixed: one for each supply center you control. As soon as you get 18 supply centers, you win.

In the free site I found, the map is Europe in the first world war. Can you rule the world?

Site address:

Is it free? Totally free. The number of games one can play is based on the number of games one have won. It is a different system, and an excellent one, since it allows the game to be totally free.

Time spent playing: The time of the turns in the games vary. You can choose one that suits you well (the most common range is from 1 hour to 48 hours, as far as I can see)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

RK: Level 4 and Level 5

Ok, taking into account how many years new things take to be implemented in Renaissance Kingdoms , Level 5 will take at least more 3 years. Sea Lanes and Medicine way are not implemented yet, and some functions of the Church Way - like preaching or the Bishop Office - needs to be coded again in the new site.

Anyway, the level 4, so far, has not proved to be as good as level 1 or 2. As Anto has said in the forums, "it sucks". The previous levels provided new sources of incomes to players, and the game got new things with it. Level 4 has only provided something for older players to do, players that the administrators believed were in need of something to keep playing the game (and this old guys buy tokens ;) )

It may be something to keep the game economy working too, since in France - more than in other countries - there was an excess of money. The county fame was made to take out money from Counties - what broke some English ones :( - and the level 4 was made so older players counld burn their money. Simple as that.

If money is the only motive, it is said that the level 5 will allow players to choose an additional "way". Like, Army Way and State Way at the same time. If you have not loved level 4, at least it will allow you to go to level 5. Don't lose your hope: the luxury points are being coded (and the promotion will be based on it), so level 5 will be there one day.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

RK level 4 - more news

How are players promoted to level 4?

A percentage of the BEST level 3's as in those holding the MOST STATE OR RELIGIOUS POINTS will be the ones who become LEVEL 4. They are not "CHOSEN" by admin or any other group of players and it is NOT based on TOKENS Purchased.

And what?

Some screens appears when you make your log-in in the NEW VERSION and using the lastest version of INTERNET EXPLORER or FIREFOX. It appears other browser do not support the pop-up.

Church Way - Level 4 Screenshots:

(by Invisible007 and Ecthelion, private RK church forum)

*First screen:

Rough ranslation : have I a dream ?

1/ What is it ? What is this phantom presence ? Have I a dream?

2/ God ... <-- Sorry it's too complicated to translate, it's philosophical !!

3/ Are you Raymond ? <-- it's a french politician I believe.

4/ Hé Marcel Béliveau ! Get out of the dustbin.

*Second one:

1/ Well.

2/ Ok <-- it's not the exact translation

3/ If I give you a carcass in exchange ?

4/ Marcel Béliveau, i'm a FAN !!

*Third Screen:

You must choose the "J'ai servi fidèlement l'Eglise Aristotélicienne, Universelle et Romaine. "

*Fourth one

You must choose the 4/ "I'm weary of life, i hope to live in luxury one day ..."
The questions to other ways may be similar. If you get any question wrong, don't worry, there is always a second chance in the next 24 hours.
Good Luck! :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Deep in Level 4 - Renaissance kingdoms

From the RK forum:

I. Reminder: Goals Level 3

The Renaissance Kingdoms are two routes to Level 3 of the way the state and the Army, and the path of the Church and Science.

In the first approach, the goal is to save as much as possible its skills in the community (producing the most points of States).

In the second route, the aim is to spread the real world ideas of Religion and Science (with the exception of sub-minor route of medicine, which is devoted a paragraph below). How going on from Level 3 to Level 4? It does not. It is called. Specifically, a certain percentage of the best Level 3 (considering each of the two channels separately) is called. You have no information on your "score" or on your likelihood of being called. You are ready to receive grace. I speak of efficient grace, no pardon effective. Or the opposite. Because there are two types of grace in life, after that ... yes, well, ok, osbb, continue.

II. Level 4: To be rich yes. But why?

At 4, your goal is to live in luxury, calm and voluptuousness (optional). You will need to grow, eat delicacies, travel, live with people in mind, build your mansion, hire servants. More prosaically, the level players will earn 4 points Luxury. One of the major improvements related to the level 4, that is now in production in the RK will be diversified and regionalized. It will produce olives here, cheese there. Or perfume, the andouillette, tapestries, ceramics, and many others. All that will change not only levels 1 and 2, but also international relations!

III. Preliminary Comments

Preliminary comments in the midst of a presentation, it may seem silly. And it is indeed. But have no fear of ridicule and continue.

1/Amounts in Luxury Items have not yet been completely calibrated. That is why we do not make them appear in this version of the rules

2 / It will take some time to the world of RR to manage the various resources produced. They will be added gradually.

3/ The transition from Level 3 to Level 4 will be done gradually. In order not to injure the players (and a contest will be held), we will wait for a non-negligible level 4 to activate all the features.

IV. How to earn points Luxury?

A. Build your mansion and engage in domestic

Building a hotel is a way to win many points Luxe - it is expensive. For this it is necessary to call on various trades, and pay fees and abusive. You will need to hire:

  • For foundations: a number of workers lambda. Job offers are submitted to the council, anyone can apply

  • For the frame: a number of carpenters (players level 2 or more with a carpenter's shop), you must also have wood stored in your hotel

  • For masonry: masons. Masons are people like you and me, who studied masonry at the university. You should have stored the stone in your hotel

  • For tapestries: Weavers. And you will have stored tapestries Once the hotel was built, you can hire maids, within the limit of two per day, which also earns you points Luxury.

The hiring occurs in two ways, the player's choice: either it makes an offer of employment at the town hall (as in the fields), or he proposes hiring a new home already the day before.

B. Eating a variety of products

The luxury is first consumption. To earn points Luxe, will be the best way to consume a number of products or luxurious. Most of these items are food, but not all. When you are level 4 (yes, I speak well of you behind your screen, poor wretch), you will be offered a "map of consumption". For a better name, no doubt, but in the meantime, as a picture is worth a thousand words: it looks like this(click in the image to enlarge it):

The idea is simple: if you eat all the items requested in the time you win a certain number of points Luxury. Otherwise, you do not win. Remember that most of its items will be produced in certain regions of Europe Realm: from Cheddar Sussex, Bulgarian yoghurt, meats Milan, etc.. The more you pass card consumption, these cards are becoming more complex.

C. Living in a prestigious County and patron of the arts

County will allow players to level 4 earn points Luxury every day, the sole condition that these players have an apartment or hotel in the capital and live there (they do not, therefore, earn a point if they are travel). These points are earned Luxury:

• Depending on the prestige of the County

• Following the construction of some buildings by the County (not yet activated)

D. Knowledge, books

The possession of knowledge to 100% provides a number of points Luxury (once for all). Some books will earn points Luxury too.

E. Miscellaneous

been Comte / mayor / adviser will implement a number of points Luxury (once for all) (not on). "Bonus Lonely Planet ": Having been present in 50 different cities will Bonus Points Luxury (not activated - will not be retroactive once activated)

V. The new objects

Well, chuis the stuffing. It happens soon.

VI. Deployment, particularly if the sub-minor route of medicine, comments

Monday, January 26, 2009


I have just discovered it. It is a plain text game, but it is incredible how far can them go.

Aardwolf is a Mud, you open the game in a tellnet window - or in their own created resource - and create a character that lives in the world with the same name. You choose a race, a class, and you are ready to go out killing monsters, completing quests and even other players.

What I liked in this game is that there is a lot of objectives: you can reach more than 200 levels with your character and complete hundreds of quests. It is good with you like an RPG that interacts with yourself - and MUD is that all about.

Site address:

Free: Yes. If you want you can donate to the site and receive some bonus (what does not make the game unfair, from what I can see so far).

Time per day: as much you like.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Another good places to play free chess

  • Server-based correspondence chess:




  • Real-time chess:

http://www.freechess.org/ (also known as FICS)

And do not forget yahoo games ;)

  • E-mail chess:



http://www.cxv.com.br/ (for potuguese and spanish speakers)